The Ladies

Just a group of ladies experimenting with our wardrobe. Meet everyone:

Sarah-Jane Menefee Sarah-Jane Menefee
I’m a girly girl who loves playing dress up. I (sorta) started this idea with a random Facebook post about dresses. I don’t wear them as often as I should. There’s nothing like a dress to help you feel pretty, flirty and fun even on days you don’t feel like any of those things.

@amessofgrace on Twitter and Instagram.

Also online at

Katie Wolfe
I’m a social worker, a year out of grad school, employed by a large non-profit serving children and families – a hopelessly hopeful, absent minded, beg for forgiveness kind of young professional. I live with three other lovely ladies (including Mary Beth who’s also risen to the dress a day challenge) in a giant old house. Also in our giant old house, affectionately referred to as “the Zoo”, are two cats and three dogs. Personally, I only own one dog, Evie, but it’s kind of a group effort. I’m a busy body and always have been. I love to Zumba and run with aforementioned pooch and counterproductively go to 3spoons. I’m kind of an old soul on an unrelenting quest to save junky antiques from whatever they need saving from. I also enjoy portraiture, social media, diet coke and yoga pants. See my posts.

Mary Beth (MB)
My name is Mary Beth and I’m pretty excited to wear a dress every day! I have A LOT of dresses, mainly because I like to wear things that closely resemble pajamas out in public as often as possible:) I live at The Zoo with Katie, and I get to take care of all the old stuff at the Dr Pepper Museum all day at work. I would usually rather be knitting, checking Twitter, and drinking coffee! See my posts.

Christy V.
I am just your average country girl who loves personal style and a challenge, so I am excited to do both with the “A Dress A Day in May challenge. I try to live a green and frugal life. And I love to “rock the boat” from time to time. I pride myself in being an independent individual. See my posts.

I enjoy doing crafts like cross stitching and sewing that I learned watching my grandmother and mother. I am looking forward to the challenge of creatively using the pieces in my wardrobe to their fullest extent instead of just the way I have worn them in the past. It should be a beautiful month of May. See my posts.

2011- I love to dress up! Any reason to wear a dress is fine by me. I would much rather be over-dressed, than under-dressed. I am very excited to wear a dress or skirt each day in May (except for weekends… a dress at a soccer & t-ball games does not seem to work well). I work at TSTC in the Recruiting Office. I am a mom of a 4 year old son and I have baby #2 on the way. I will be “growing” into my 2nd trimester through the month of May and I already have to search for clothes that fit my expanding belly, so this will be a true challenge for me. I am excited to be encouraged by such a classy group of women, that have also accepted the “Dress A Day in May” challenge.

2012- So, I have a few updates since last year… I have longer, dark hair. My son is 5 & my daughter is 6 months old, now. My main challenge, along with wearing a dress each day in May, is that I am not yet back to my pre-prego weight. I am close, but still have 10 pounds to go to wear my “normal” clothes. My goal is to wear my normal pants by the end of May. To get there I’m eating right & started bootcamp. So, I’ll be extra excited to get back into my pants in June. (: Last year I didn’t wear dresses/skirts on weekends, but this year I’m ALL IN!! See my posts.

I work in Publications for my college alma mater, which is a job I LOVE! I think dresses are far more comfortable than pants any day, so this challenge shouldn’t be too much of a (ahem) challenge for me. I am married to my high school sweetheart, we have a dog-child named Lucy and we recently moved into our first home. Life is good, and its even better in a dress! See my posts.

caryn brown
I’m a system administrator for a student loan company by day and the rest of my time is spent with my husband and 2 young boys! I spend my free time doing yoga and zumba, learning to run and scrapbooking. I love cooking, spending time with my family, and social media. see my posts

Missy Majnarich
Last May 2011, I began my own blog of Dress A Day in May. I had no idea other ladies were thinking the same thing. I found this blog and the rest is history. We are gals across the Globe wearing our dresses proudly and with vigor. I am in the NorthWest. It is often still cold here in May. I wear a dress a day to welcome the warmth of spring and to be proud of my fashion finds that I get thrifting! We all brag about our thrift finds. I am a social worker and therapist. I came from a large family (9) and it was my dream to grow up and be fashionable, because I wasn’t as a child. These ladies share my passion and my heart!

Natalie (Nat)
Year one (2011) of A Dress a Day in May had me intrigued, so when year two (2012) came around, I couldn’t let SJ and the ladies have all the fun–I wanted in! Having lived in the Midwest, Southwest and now East Coast of the United States, with a couple years in Europe in the mix, my wardrobe reflects a comfy, casual, slightly bohemian, slightly classy, eclectic style. Comfort is high on my priority list; I believe “cute” can be comfy! See my posts.

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